I expect my rival is not too chuffed!
Lewis xxx
Unfortunately, by the time we got to leave, it was raining really hard. Some call that raining "cats and dogs" but this is obviously a ludicrous falsehood (keep up the CALF!). So we had to stay inside instead.
I thought it was about time I caught up with the current research in detective work, and Nora wanted to have a go a knitting a jumper. Unfortunately she got in a bit of a muddle. Even Simon was unable to help, and he has handy toes (or toey hands) that could be good for fiddly things like knitting.
So that was our day really. Hope you all had a good one. We'll try snorkelling again tomorrow. I need to thank the turtles for the jumper they gave us.
Bye for now! Love from Lewis x
nora - the icing on the cake - xx