Friday, 11 June 2010

PM news

A lot has happened since the election.  Unfortunately, Nora forgot all about being PM, and even forgot what it meant (mumbling things like "Purple Monster" and "Panda Moments").

Needless to say, she has now delegated her powers to me, so she can concentrate on her chocolate collection (in her new sweet cupboard).  Here she is, beginning to organise the collection (although not much of it was left by the time it reached the cupboard).

So yes!  Me.  The Gorilla!  At your service.  I have been very busy, particularly with the cleaning rota, which now includes the gardening.  We needed to get it ready for the annual deep clean.

If you didn't know, you may be thinking that we are practicing for the next Kitchen Olympics!  But, obviously, now being PM, I have to enhance my grooming regime - I don't want to let the animals down.  Nora decided to join me as all her white bits had become encrusted with chocolate!

Even Bernhard the polar bear joined us.  So we are all lovely and clean now.

Anyway.  I need to go and organise some other things.  What else could I put on a rota?

Lots of love, your new PM

Lewis xx