Saturday, 24 September 2011

Banana Sun

Hello all!  Look at what we've been up too!  Nora and I decided to take a trip to the seaside!

Unfortunately, we had a bit of an argument on the way (over a banana) - so that is why we look a bit grumpy in the photo above. 

To avoid any further disagreements, Nora decided to spend the day by the pool, and I decided to spend it on the beach, as you can see.

I really enjoyed myself!

Here I am looking a bit tired (after the end of a day doing nothing!).  Maybe if I'd had the banana to eat on the way, I would have had more energy.  But anyway.  Enough of that.  The banana issue has been sorted.

We spent the last part of the day relaxing together in the sun (after ordering a banana milkshake for myself and a chocolate one for Nora - she paid, after the banana incident in the morning).  It was so hot I had to wear a scarf on my head to stop my brain boiling!  Maybe I should have taken my tie off: that would have helped cool me down.

Anyway, we are back in the Fluffy-Hair house and all is well.

Lots of love, Lewis MAD xxxx

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

fishing business

yippee!  we received a letter from wilf the fox today!  here he is looking very business-like writing it!

apparently he's away on fishing business, or official business, or something something... something to do with foxes and being fluffy and something fishy.  i don't really know.  but it was nice to hear from him.

panda hugs, nora xxx

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Monkey Sunset

So, while Nora and I have been cleaning the new Fluffy-Hair house (well, actually, it was me, as Nora said she needed to sleep after eating five chocolate biscuits), it appears that the Monkey popped down the road to see the sunset!

A bit cheeky of him, I think.  But I suppose that monkeys are known to be cheeky.  Although I shouldn't really be saying that because of our CALF (Campaign Against Ludicrous Falsehoods) protest.  I will only upset Chubby the Chicken, who gets annoyed when others call her a "chicken" which has subsequently made her paranoid and anxious.  Anyway... it looks like he had a good time.

Hopefully, we'll go with him next time.

Happy sunsetting!

Lewis MAD xxx

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

moving confusion

so here we are in the new fluffy-hair house!

or so we thought. 

but it turns out we had gone to the wrong place and on the wrong day!  lewis said it was all my fault because i had read the instructions upsidedown.

here we are in the (not) fluffy-hair house, looking at our (lewis's) organiser.  it turns out that i had been reading it upsidedown.  oops.

we had to wait there until it got a little dark for the pigs to turn up.  the pigs that we met yesterday (the ones that smile a lot) are giving us a lift in their car as i am typing!! 

we will soon be turning up at the proper fluffy-hair house...

nora the panda xxx

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

A Fine Day Out

Nora and I decided to spend the day going out and doing lots of things.  We got up so early, that we caught Wilf the Fox coming in from his night out!

We went to a party where we met a couple of pigs, as you can see.  Although they were very smiley, they did not seem to say a lot.

Anyway, they kindly let us use their car.  So we decided to stay out for lunch too.  Here we are relaxing in something called a 'beer garden,' although there were no beer plants, just some grass and trees. 

We then ended our fine day out by singing some hymns at the Fluffy-Church.  Unfortunately, Nora kept getting the words (and pages) muddled up, as you can see.

We are now back in the Fluffy-Hair house.  I can hear Nora making some hot chocolate.  We'll be moving house again soon, so I'll keep you posted!

Lots of fluffy love, Lewis MAD xxx