i put my carrot cake (yummy-best-ever-cake-and-healthy-too-coz-its-got-carrots-in) under the rug. today i was looking forward to eating it, as you can see.
but then simon the sloth came along and just took some of it. he didn't even ask. i know he's a sloth and everything and speaks spanish and we have the same eyes, but i was not happy. he just walked off with it. as you can see, i was left looking stunned!
luckily, i still have some hidden under the rug, so will get to it later.
i'm feeling a bit sick beacuse i ate too much, so maybe it was good that simon ate my cake. perhaps i should learn to speak sloth spanish. i wonder if it the same as llama spanish, as we've got a couple of those living with us (one of them lives on the stairs and spits everytime i go past). i'm going to have a sleep now as we pandas like that. i'm glad we have no trees inside the house (although simon is not happy about that as he loves (slowly) climbing trees) because i heard that one of my panda friends in china fell asleep in the branch of a tree (maybe after eating too much cake) and fell out and ended up in hospital!
high five panda paws x
Nora, Simon did you a favour by taking your cake. You would have felt even sicker if you had eaten it. By the way, I'm upstairs talking to the Monkey. We're going to watch some TV. You want to join us? Are you still sleeping? Love Chubby x