Yes, it's that time of year again! Our annual wash. We don't want you to think we only wash once a year (as Queen Elizabeth 1st did) - of course we are able to wash ourselves, as mammals can (not sure about skunks, though). No, its our annual 'deep clean' in the washing machine. Its OK though. We quite enjoy it. Gets a bit scarey if the snorkel and mask start to slide off, but on a 'handwash' cycle (although we have never encountered any hands, other than our own) its very gentle - like being at a water park (NB. this is vastly different to a car park, in many ways).
So here we are - all fluffy and new. Sun and wind bathing. Lovely. Yet again we tried to encourage Chubby to join us. After her chickhood trauma, she declined. You see, when Chubby was very young, she too was given a deep clean. All went well (athough she felt dizzy) until she was put out to dry. It wasn't in a relaxing way like we are. Oh no. For indeed it was winter time. So she was put on the fire guard. Unfortunately, the fire guard did not do a very good job of guarding the fire. Pleasant smells of fabric conditoner turned into smells of burnt chicken. You don't want to know what happened next. But surfice it to say, that Chubby has a permanent scar on her bottom, from what has been known as the "spin and burn" incident. Eversince then, she has been a worried little chicken. Its truely traumatised her. Bless her fluffy heart.
Anyway, we shall leave you now as its getting a bit cold, so I think we need to close the window.
Lots of love, Lewis (and Nora) x
keep up the CALF!
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