As promised, I am showing you some more pictures from my visit to Africa.
As I said, along with seeing my cousins, I was doing some detective work for the giraffes. They were fed up of the other animals saying that they only have long necks because their feet smell. I agreed to investigate who had been spreading these
vicious rumours. Those poor giraffes, they get a raw deal. Very few of the other animals invite them to parties as they think they are a pain in the neck!

First of all, I interviewed the elephants. I deduced that due to their long noses, they may be picking up on some smells. They had just finished playing squash when I saw them. I found them to be very friendly.

I then spent a very long time looking for the lions.
Eventually I spotted Mrs Main from my window. I was a little concerned that she might be hungry - with me having a bit more of a pot belly from being so well fed when I went to see my cousins. Anyway, it turned out that because it wasn't Tuesday (or
chewsday as Nora calls it) then i was OK.

I talked to the lions about the giraffes. They told me that when the giraffes first came to live near them, they wore socks. Nobody knew why. The lions said that they never took their socks off, so the animals started saying that they must have smelly feet.
However, after consulting my APE (Animal Pictures Encyclopedia) I found out that these were a very special kind of giraffe called Rothschild. They do not wear socks, they just look like they do because their lower legs are white!
Because the animals were afraid of smelly feet, they never got close enough to the giraffes to actually see that they were not wearing socks at all!

I asked the lions to have a chat with the giraffes and the other animals about the no-socks-but-look-like-socks madness, and all is sorted out now. Apparently the zebras are organising a party and the giraffes will be invited. And all agreed that none of the animals have smelly feet.
In celebration of sorting out this misunderstanding, I took a trip to Tanzania. Here I am on the border of Tanzania and Kenya. That's what the T and the K stand for (and not Tea cakes and Kiwi fruit as Nora thought).

I enjoyed my trip and was glad to be doing my MAD job. I hope my cousins keep in contact with me.
Lots of fluffy love and clean fluffy socks, Lewis xx