Wednesday, 5 September 2012

In Treatment...

Hello all!  Lewis here.  I haven't been on here for a while, I know.  Very sorry.  Unfortunately all the work I have been doing has made me a bit stressed.  It doesn't help that I cannot tell you about the work, as it is all very top secret.  Anyway, things got so bad, that I actually went into therapy!

Strange, you may think.  A handsome, intelligent gorilla needing therapy.  But it happens to the best of us and there is no shame in it.  Anyway.  Here I am with my therapist.  He made me talk about lots of things.

It was very helpful.  Even Nora is thinking of going because she keeps having nightmares about falling out of a tree (apparently, that happens to pandas.  A lot).

My therapist and I got on really well.

So well, in fact, that he gave me a book to read and I even ended up helping him!  He gets stress too apparently!

I shall go and see him again, as we got on so well and he was very helpful.  I would recommend it!

Just popping off now to eat a banana.

Lots of love and happy thoughts,

Lewis MAD (obviously this means Master of Animal Detective and not that I actually am mad (mind you, I think my therapist is!)) xxx

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