Monday 24 October 2011

how do you make toast?

put it under a griller!

love nora x

Sunday 9 October 2011

Sheep Rustling!

Oh, what a commotion!  Some animals stole Dolly the Sheep!

Unknown to them, I am one of the best animal detectives (not many of us are MAD (Master of Animal Detective) you know!).  So I popped into my family library to find out more about these rustlers, as you can see below.

I did a bit of research.  Apparently, these rustlers are not very bright (as in intellect, not as in light or fluorescent clothing).  So I knew that my MADness would be of use.

I went to see the sea.  I calculated (using a very complicated formula that only those who are MAD know) that they would head that way...

... and heard a 'baaaaaa' in amongst the greenery!

You will be pleased to hear that after a lot of hard work and help from the other animals in the Fluffy-Hair house,  Dolly has safely returned (although looking a bit worn out, as you can see).  In all the commotion, she bumped her head, and (although she didn't want me to say this) is a bit embarrassed that the bump makes her look like she has a horn.  Thankfully, the hat covers it up well.

So, another case has been solved by yours truly.

Lots of love and fluffy-sheep-hair,

Lewis MAD xxx

Saturday 1 October 2011

relaxing and reading (and eating)

so, while i settled down to one of my favourite treats (which lewis said i deserved because i helped with the cleaning: sweeping (eating) all the biscuit crumbs from the floor)...

... it appears that the other animals have been relaxing and reading.

george is a bit like me - he gets confused a lot.  so when it was suggested that he put on a hat to shelter him from the sun, he chose the wrong one, as you can see!  oops!

ah, now that's better.  i think he has been reading a magazine about different cheeses, or lemon cheeses ,or something something.  i'm not sure why, but it sounds yummy!

wilf has been reading too!  lewis said it is a very intellectual book and that maybe i should read some of it to help me with being a nurse (to be honest, i would rather read about cheeses (especially lemon cheeses) rather than diseases).

hmmm...  i'm sure i have some lemon cheese cake in the fridge...

off to find out!  lots of love and reading and eating, nora xxx